洞察力 2023年11月13日


最近的 自然状态报告 毫不留情地强调了英国自然环境的严峻状况.

由于英国是世界上自然资源最枯竭的国家之一, it’s little wonder the government has imposed a legal obligation for organisations to help put things right.

An official target to stop nature’s decline and improve biodiversity was first implemented through the Environment Act 2021.

Organisations must help to restore ecosystems and improve species status

但现在,责任已由业主共同承担, landowners and organisations – and the 自然状态报告 reveals the extent of the challenge ahead:

  • 在英格兰,68%的植物种类的分布已经减少.
  • 在苏格兰,11%的本地物种面临灭绝的威胁.
  • 在威尔士,野生动物自1994年以来平均减少了20%.
  • In Northern Ireland, distribution of 891 flowering plant species has declined by 14% since 1970.

The report also summarises some of the ways in which our nature depletion can be reversed – the top three are particularly relevant to organisations:

  • 加强生态系统恢复
  • 扩大和管理保护区
  • 改善物种状况
  • 发展自然友好型农渔业林业
  • 协调国家对自然和气候危机的反应



政府的答案是“生物多样性净收益”。, 或BNG, 在英国零排放中扮演重要角色.

The purpose of BNG is to make sure UK nature recovers – even if land is being developed.

Developers must work to see that wildlife habitats are improved and left in an even better state than before development; the growth of the built environment shouldn’t squeeze out the natural environment.

Developers can ensure a Biodiversity Net Gain within the built environment

所以时间紧迫——2024年1月,赌注将会提高, 开发商必须达到至少10%的BNG.

但根据世界自然基金会CBI经济学世界基准联盟, 62%的公司计划解决其对生物多样性的影响, 只有15%的计划得以实施.

在自然英格兰 生物多样性净收益小册子, the Chief Executive, Marian Spain, highlighted the important role organisations now play.

她说:“随着气候和生态双重危机的加深, 加速自然恢复的需求日益增加, 为了我们的星球, 我们的野生动物和我们的社区. 生物多样性净收益为家园发展提供了一条新的途径, businesses and infrastructure to play its part in enabling nature to thrive, 为气候变化提供基于自然的解决方案, 水和空气质量以及洪水风险.”


In practice, organisations have three options to meet BNG obligations:

  • 实施措施,避免丧失生境
  • Implement measures to create habitat on-site or off-site away from the development
  • 作为最后的手段, 向政府购买法定信用, 哪些将用于投资其他地方的栖息地创造

这个过程取决于 生物多样性指标, which is used by qualified ecologists to determine each site’s score.



Versatile and easy to install, they also provide habitats for many species.


An attractive addition to any scheme, in which several species can thrive.






These come with built-in shelters for everything from hedgehogs and bees to amphibians and reptiles.


Using native plant species, these benefit biodiversity and improve drainage.


当植物茂盛时, 这些改善了生物多样性, 分配雨水和调节建筑温度.



An excellent way to increase biodiversity, while also enhancing the built environment.


在适当的位置使用, this solution recreates distinct habitats for a range of valuable wildlife.


在空间允许的地方, 创造有层层叠叠树冠的林地, understory and ground flora is a fantastic option to increase biodiversity.


The 自然状态报告 underlines the importance of BNG in reversing the depletion of UK nature.

However, the benefits of improved biodiversity go far beyond flourishing flora and fauna.

BNG’s most important impact is to mitigate the effects of climate change – for example, healthy woodlands are extremely effective at taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

但作为自然环境部长, 福尔摩斯不, 解释了, 这对人民和经济都有好处.

唐说:生物多样性增加的景观 are known to improve people’s health and wellbeing, bringing them closer to nature. And green spaces aren’t just more pleasurable to experience – they also look more attractive. 从经济角度来看,这也是一个提振. 绿色社区更适合居住, 工作和做生意, 所以他们经常吸引更多的人到某个地区, 支持当地经济.”


达到至少10%的BNG似乎令人望而生畏, 但法律上的要求意味着开始行动是很重要的.



你已经有什么了? 最好是增强你的景观,还是创造一个新的?


Plan your changes, targeting the most appropriate habitats and species for your location.



设计 your natural environment to achieve a net gain in biodiversity

So let the 自然状态报告 be a wake-up call for your organisation and start improving biodiversity across your estate.

As the report says: “The reasons for the decline are clear and we know conservation actions deliver results for nature. We have never had a better understanding of the State of Nature – and what is needed to fix it.”

To find out how Mitie can assist your organisation with biodiversity net gain, access Mitie的绿色星球设计®指南在这里.

